Family First

As a Republican State House candidate, I prioritize pro-life and pro-family policies that strengthen the foundation of our communities. I believe in defending traditional family values and ensuring that our families receive the support and resources they need to thrive.

Second Amendment Defender

I am committed to upholding our Second Amendment rights and will vigorously oppose any attempts to infringe upon the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Our forefathers recognized the importance of defending our great Nation and each state in the Union by institutionalizing the right to keep and bear arms. We must continue to preserve this hard fought right and their vision for an everlasting Union.


We owe our Veterans so much. We know the Minnesota values they brought into the military, and we need to welcome them back home to Minnesota to bring their experience and values back here after their service. No veteran should face homelessness. No veteran should go unserved or underserved by our superb Minnesota medical community.


Seek every opportunity to preserve the family farm and farming operation. Agriculture is a Minnesota core value, and we must seek to reduce burdensome policies and requirements designed to eliminate these critical small businesses.

Strengthen the Rule of Law and Support our Public Safety Professionals

We must support and appreciate our Public Safety and Law Enforcement professionals as they perform the difficult and essential work needed to protect all of us every day.

Immigration and Sanctuary State Implications

We are a nation of immigrants who respect our Indigenous American communities. We know there is a proper way to immigrate and a proper way to achieve citizenship based on the rule of law. Opening the borders and changing the definition of an immigrant to something else disregards the rule of law and conveniently circumvents the established path to citizenship. We must reestablish the rule of law and stop the increasing burden illegal immigration is placing on our publicly-funded services. We must not make ourselves the new magnet for illegal immigration.

Election Integrity

Institutionalize voter integrity by ensuring duly authorized citizens properly register to vote prior to the election, present a government issued photo identification to obtain a ballot, and receive a printed receipt upon casting their ballot using a voting machine. Voter drop boxes and other potential means of invalidating the election process must be eliminated.

The principles and values of our community shape my priorities.

The people of our community are at the heart of our movement towards security, prosperity, and unity. I am fully committed to advocating for your interests.

People like you are the heart and soul of our campaign.

Stay in touch with our campaign—and help Tom fight for Minnesota.